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Climate Change Conference 2024

Fourteen students attended a 2024 Our Earth: Our Future conference at Swansea University on Thursday 27 June accompanied by Mrs Kirkham and Ms Gray. Caleb, Karina, Rowan and Asher gave a keynote speech at the start of the day, outlining Bassaleg School’s climate education project. Their presentation generated a lot of discussion and praise: Alex Prescot, the publicity and marketing officer for Keep Wales Tidy, emailed Mrs Kirkham and said they were, ‘incredible and absolutely inspiring’ and that ‘seeing the deep understanding and passion from your pupils is a stand out memory for me’.


The Bassaleg climate education team are now completing carbon literacy training and next academic year will be working with all staff to raise awareness and extend climate education at Bassaleg School. They are also in discussion with Welsh Government officials and groups, aiming to influence education policy across the country.


If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Mrs Kirkham or see the climate education section on our website.

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