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Duke of Edinburgh and the 'Golden Girlie’s' Unfinished Business.

After months of planning and a year waiting.  Our remaining Gold Expedition group “The Golden Girlie’s set off from Talybont Village on an epic 4 day, 70km trek across the roof of South Wales, the Bannau Brycheiniog aka the Brecon Beacons.

Ella, Sophia, Elliot and Aishah have had to wait a year to be given the chance to finish the Expedition Section of their Gold award after one of them had an unlucky injury two days into the expedition last summer. The rest of the group voted to wait a year so the injury could effectively heal and so they could all attempt the qualifier expedition again together.

The Intrepid Four endured nearly continuous wind and rain, as well as the insects, damp equipment, heavy packs and sore feet and had to carry all the kit and supplies they needed for the four days.  Despite all this, they cheerily chewed through the challenge, summitting the highest peaks on the famous “Fan Dance” including Pen Y Fan. After each day’s trek, in very rudimentary campsites, the team had to unpack wet tents and sleeping bags, set up camp and cook themselves a hearty meal. The route was unknown to them and they had to navigate using map and compass following the route that they had planned in the weeks leading up to the expedition.

The independent Duke of Edinburgh Assessor was really impressed with the Golden Girlie’s continuous teamwork and resilience in the face of tough conditions. He said, when they arrived at the end, that “they were the best group he had ever assessed”, passing them all.

We are so proud of the Golden Girlies because, for them, this latest challenge was the final part of a long journey which began when they started DofE in Yr10. They grizzled and stumbled through their Silver Expeditions, getting lost a lot, collecting blisters and frequently turning up to the campsite in the dark. Four years and four expeditions later, the Golden Girlies achieved their qualifying Gold Expedition in tough conditions and at certain times made it look so easy! This was down to their toughness, perseverance, enthusiasm, strength of character and their high level of skills and expertise. Ella, Sophia, Elliot and Aishah demonstrate all that is good in our young people and have set an amazing example for others to aspire too.


Well done on such an amazing achievement.


Stephen Parker,

Bassaleg School Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator.


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