Written by Rosie Jones & Katherine Pearce
The N2R council have followed in the footsteps of our brilliant QSA (LGBTQ+) council and produced a whole school N2R charter. These two brilliant posters, which are now in every classroom around the site, outline what our school community are committed to to support each other.
The poster highlights our pledge to stand together and ‘Say No to Racism’. The N2R council have also been busy working on their vision for the council and currently have 5 actions to support them in achieving their visions:
Use of the listening to young people’s “No to Racism” council experiences and views to understand the ways in which racism impacts on the lives of ethnic minority people.
Establishing an anti-racist charter to be shared and adopted by the whole school community.
Raise awareness and celebrate cultural diversity by linking with Aramark and creating a special day or week focus that celebrate religious culture and ethnicity differences through food provided to the school community.
To initiate a pilot project with N2R and identified staff in developing wider understanding of culture and language.
Create a transition group from N2R members to visit and raise awareness on anti-racism to year 6 in our partner primary cluster schools.