The Fairy Time
By Angelina
The house looked amazing. They had huge blue windows. It had a luxurious clear pond in the front with a fountain stream down. The house looked kind of abandoned; it was covered in ivy, there were broken pieces of wood on the floor. The door was wide open, looking inside to see it empty. It made me feel nervous, afraid that something was going to happen. As I heard something behind me, I could feel the Breeze blowing in my face. I looked over the mountain and when I gazed over, I saw fairies and dust floating in the air. I looked close once again and saw wizards, whizzing around on their broomsticks in the sky, I looked down and saw fairies they could grow and shrink, it was phenomenal to watch, I was stunned. The wizards were gigging in the sky watching over the fairies as they made a few spells. The fairies flapped their wings everywhere…..
The Monkey King
By Caylem
The staff he was holding glowed bright yellow. He looked at me and he whispered to me “duck”. So I threw myself onto the leaf covered floor. Coming from the deep and dark bamboo wood, a big devil like creature, it had red eyes like war and despair. Its back was spiked like a hedgehog. It galoped at my red haired friend like a bull. My friend jumped so high into the moonlit sky and came back down…. but I'm running, confused and out of breath, back into my time machine! As it started to open I turned around, I could see more red eyes coming from the bamboo trees so I shouted “look out they’re coming!!!!!! “. So the monkey king started to fight in the dark and foreboding bamboo forest. The fight froze before my eyes as he said to me “go I’ll take care of this” and I could hear him shout “come on is that all you got “. My Time Machine spoke, “Mr Jones we must go”. so I jumped in and just like before I heard and felt my time machine start to float into the air.
Time Machine
By Ethan
There was a tuneful beep and I knew I was there. Where has that time machine taken me now? I stepped out of the impressive time machine. This looks like prehistoric times I thought. I was teleported into the rugged plains surrounded by snowy tipped mountains. There was a tiny village and a muddy marshland in the distance. From the door of my time machine I could see the houses were round and made of mud and straw and wood. The air was very boggy and smelly. As I stepped out of the time machine all of a sudden I was surrounded by wolves and sabre-toothed cats. I said “nice kitties and puppies” in a scared voice. I was hoping they wouldn’t attack me……
Then I ran into the muddy marshland slipping and falling in the process. The sabre-tooth tigers were closing in. They launched at me like a missile with their big knife shaped teeth at my heels. They tried to scratch with their sharp talons, but missed miserably. The tigers with pool ball sized eyes looked at me disappointed, as they fell into the muddy marshland. That should do it, I thought as I ran swiftly away. From afar they looked like little bugs digging into the soil. I may be safe but I'm still in this bog. The bogs smelled like disgusting dung and I heard growling from the sabre-tooth tigers and wolves in the distance.
The Time Machine
By Finnley
I walked calmly into my time machine and I was excited to go home. The time machine was spinning fast like a rocket. It made me feel sick and fun all at the same time. The time machine landed with an explosion and dusty crash. I tried to open the old door but I fell out of it and I could smell smoke like a car on fire. I felt itchy, scared, anxious and empty, where am I? I saw dusty people and they were wearing helmets and chest pelts, sandals and a shield and sword. I could hear raucous fighting and I walked into this old cracked building and took a seat and a person next to me said “who did you bet money on?” And I said “no one” he said “huh what do u mean by no one”. He said, “Follow me” he took me and put me in an old cold room and he said to put on armour and grab a sword and a shield and he told me to follow him to the arena…….
The Time Machine
By Rhys
I opened the door of the time machine, it was in a narrow street and there were houses blazing on fire, as I looked up in the sky there were planes in the sky then there was a whistlin, then a loud bang. l could smell smoke in the distance. I said what just happened? Then all of a sudden smoke filled the air, it reeked. I Started to cough, a man tapped me on the back and said take this so I took it and it was a gas mask. Once I put it on, I stopped coughing. As I turned around to say thank you, the man disappeared…..
Time Travel
By Scarlett
Woah this is scary where am I?. I took one step and the grass felt like needles digging into my legs . I think I am in a big dark field. It feels chilly over in the field. I heard swords swooshing in the air, knives swinging across like an aeroplane that was about to take off. I was petrified that one of the pointy knives was going to hit me . Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. I took a large gulp and turned around … stood there was a massive soldier with a giant sword in his hand, tapping his feet with blood dripping down the side of his face. I s t u t t e r d i n f e a r a s I said “hellooo”.
The Time Machine
by Megan
One gloomy Halloween night…4 kids decide to sneak into a
halloween maze. They were naughty children. One child was called Misa. She was very nice but her friends forced her to be naughty…Misa had long soft black hair and red sparkly eyes that always shined. A sweet warm smile. The children climbed over a fence. And went into the maze. Misa was scared. But her friend Lola said it would be ok…she was so wrong…they all took separate ways. Misa was walking around. All you could hear was the birds chirping and the leaves crunching. Misa then stopped and looked at a strange door…it was wooden and old. She slowly walked to the door confused. And opened the door…
As I opened the door and I was in a different place. As I walked I saw that I was in a field of cotton. How am I in a cotton field? I didn't have my raincoat and it was raining. I saw people in dirty ragged clothing. I was so confused it felt like I was in a fever or a dream. A minute ago I was in a halloween maze?!!? I could hear people screaming and yelling. I look over to the loud yelling and see somebody.
My story!!!!!!
I whizzed around wondering where the time machine was taking me? But in the middle of my daydreaming The Time Machine caught me off guard and made me go “THUMP” on the cold, hard ground. Trying to stand, rubbing my head from the fall I opened The Old Time Machine doors. The scene in front of me was grim and unkempt. It looked empty and hectic. It also smelled tragic and exotic. It smelt like burning wood and my mind was racing because of what I could see. All I could think about was “What started this?” and “Why is this happening?”.
I saw dusty and misshapen houses but not any jagged houses. They were destroyed and buried in the rubble of the other houses and cars. Also there was an extremely flaming hot fire in the background. It was quite terrifying to see the burning hot flames. There were miserable and terrified people running around. It looked like this….
As I am on the mountain looking over at the tragic Spanish scene the sounds of the gunshots and the screams were deafening. The battleground was so horrendous that I thought it would never stop. Standing there shocked, everywhere I looked around there were dead bodies and the smell was atrocious. Hundreds of people have lost their lives, so I decided to run down and join in. Whilst I walked down to the battlefield, the mud was brown and squelchy and the trenches were as small as a bathroom. It smelt disgusting because of the rotten flesh.
I saw Spanish soldiers fight for their country. There were some teenagers as well as old people, the uniform was as old as time and it was as green as the grass. The food was like vomit in a bowl, that’s how disgusting it was.
As I got to the trench someone handed me an old cracked, tiny, yellow bowl. I looked at my food and I felt eyes watching me and the food. I looked up to see why I started to feel anxious I could see… A young looking thin girl that looked like she had never eaten in her life. The girl in her old grass-like uniform looked really fierce. Her skin is weather tanned and dirty, grubby like she had been outside for a very long time. I got really scared. “Tan novata ... ¿Qué pasa con la comida?”” (So newbie...What 's wrong with the food?) ” said Camilla rudely. I stuttered “N-nothing i-it's alright I'm just not as hungry r-right now…” I said with fear I replied “ENTONCES PONTE A TRABAJAR” “(THEN GET TO WORK)” shouted Camilla as she snatched my foul food out of my hand then suddenly threw it on the vile unwashed floor. “¡Sabes QUE PODRÍA ALIMENTARNOS A TODOS, PERSONA INGRATA!” (“YOU KNOW I COULD FEED US ALL YOU UNGRATEFUL PERSON!”) raged Camilla”... Shocked, shook up I stood up with my head hanging down and sadly stumbled outside the trench. Defeatedly I grabbed my gun and made my way up to the gruesome fight to start shooting for the ungrateful Camilla.
With my heart pounding I knew it was time to go back to my time machine. I walked back into the trench. Camilla in rage bellowed after me. I jumped in fright I'M GOING! I ran in the direction of where the time machine was. I was scared… I was cold and my hands were numb all I could think about was getting back to my time machine but then something bad happened. I got shot…shot in the arm inside I screamed in pain. I but that couldn't stop me getting back. I ran for even longer. I was so thirsty and hungry..I was in pain because of my arm but I kept running but then I fell. I fell on the dirt and I hit my arm on the floor hard. It hurt I cried in pain but I climbed the hill to get to the time machine which still quite far away but I was exhausted I couldn't move much more so I layed down on the hill thinking how I was going to get back even though i am hungry,thirsty and in pain so I stood up and used my last energy to get in to a broken tree trunk to lean against and then I grabbed my dirty cloth and wrapped my arm that got shot and slept for the night. It was the next morning I was still hungry, tired and thirsty but I kept going so I walked to find my time machine but then the path was split I couldn't remember which one was right or wrong so I took the left I was scared that I didn't go the right way but then I saw a Weird thing ahead at the end of the path but I felt to worried to go to it so I went back but I thought Maybe it might be it but then I went back and I took the other path and went to the weird thing at the end and found out it was… It was the time machine and I screamed with joy and went in it and finally zoomed away.