Zoe Rowbotham
Friday 13th was a day of celebrations and goodbyes. Classrooms were full of shirt signing, the overwhelming smell of sharpies and excitement for the day ahead. By 9 in the morning, shirts were already showing signs of being cluttered. The first two lessons were anything but standard, with an array of treats and an atmosphere of congratulations for the work that had been put in throughout the past five years. Breaktime was filled with cards and messages of thanks being handed out to our teachers for helping us to get where we are. Leavers were scattered around the place, blending into the day’s celebrations, yet sticking out like a sore thumb among the standard blazers and done-up shirts.
Our Leavers’ Assembly followed this up with students anxiously awaiting spending two hours listening in silence and looking at ‘cringey’ photos of their younger selves. Miss Greentree told us how much she had enjoyed having the pleasure to teach us - and many more gratifying complements. Miss Gately reminded us about how fast these five years had gone by and the variety of things that we had seen come and go. Mr Sheldon gave us one last update on the progress of his shed and his surprisingly heavy cat. The remainder of the assembly was filled with tears and a PowerPoint full of memories made since the beginning of our school journey. However, the emotional climax for many that day was when letters from parents and guardians were handed out, every letter wishing a unique message.
After being let go for our lunch, more shirt signing ensued, followed by many photos at the photo booth and hugs. Our last hour of the day had a seamless transition to free food. The canteen handed out warm chips with delicious sides and toppings. An ice-cream van made an entrance serving a much-welcomed treat, however windy it was! Although many had plans for the evening, our last day came to a very happy end.