Our Pupils
Welcome to our pupil pages. Here you will find a link to our Digital Learning Zone, photographs of key staff who are responsible for your wellbeing and a link to your year group Google Classroom where you can keep up with events, activities and announcements. Please remember that your Year Google Classroom is only for pupils and staff in your year group.
Welcome, Year 7
The Year 7 wellbeing team and I are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Bassaleg this year and supporting you in your transition from Primary school. We want to see you develop as positive, respectful and resilient learners, as well as being active and proud members of the school community. We look forward to seeing you embrace the challenges and opportunities on offer at Bassaleg School this year.

Fran Scott-Jones
DOW Year 7

Liam Wheeler
Deputy DOW Year 7
Year 8
Our aim is to nurture our young people to develop into polite, well-mannered individuals who put kindness at their core. To develop a community spirit which is supportive of one another, to develop healthy relationships which echo the school ethos of belonging. By fostering resilience we can help overcome the barriers that we have faced. By being all these things, we will work hard to achieve our goals and pave the way for our future.

Lauren Parfitt
DOW Year 8

Jack Roche
Deputy DOW Year 8
Year 9
As your Director of Wellbeing, it is my pleasure to guide you on your journey through Bassaleg to help you become happy, helpful and well-rounded young people. At the heart of our year group is kindness, enthusiasm and of course a little bit of competitiveness! These traits are so important in helping you look after your wellbeing; supporting you to make progress and encouraging you to be the best version of yourself. I’m so proud of all you have achieved and overcome so far in Bassaleg and look forward to seeing all of you continue to grow as you take your next steps towards GCSEs next year.

Kelly Parfitt
DOW Year 9

Rachel Gateley-Maxwell
Deputy DOW Year 9
Year 10
In year 10 we are kind and enthusiastic individuals who pride ourselves on being supportive to our peers and others in our community. We are creative, confident, and resilient in all challenges that we face. We strive
to always be the best version of ourselves, both academically and personally.

Jamie Ford
DOW Year 10
Rebekah Dale
Deputy DOW Year 10
Year 11
In Year 11, we pride ourselves on being excellent role models to the Bassaleg community. We strive to achieve our dreams, are polite and sociable, work hard and grasp every opportunity that comes our way with both hands. We are kind, considerate and care for one another, putting our health and wellbeing at the forefront of every step we take to future success!

Charlotte Curtis
DOW Year 11

Rebecca Rogers
Deputy DOW Year 11
Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form is known for its inclusive, supportive and aspirational ethos in which individuals can achieve the best version of themselves they can be. We expect our Sixth Formers to be as committed to enriching the wider school community as they are to their academic studies. Being a Sixth Former comes with many privileges and benefits; our Sixth Formers realise that these entitlements come with responsibilities to give back to the wider school community and to be positive role models. We are extremely proud of our Sixth Formers and have the highest expectations of them.

Daniel Powell
DOW 6th Form

Melanie Hurn
Deputy DOW 6th Form